Can we download Bitcoin Blocks faster with Torrent?

Can we download Bitcoin Blocks faster with Torrent?


Today, when I was reading Greg Walker 's blog to understand some basics about Bitcoin and there I saw this line

Once you have downloaded and verified the full blockchain (currently 389.74 GB), you can start making your own transactions, which propagate the network and are written to the blockchain on everyone’s computer.

So, out of curiosity I went to download the Bitcoin-core app and when the blockchain data started to download, I was stunned to see that it will take my computer around 4 days just to download the whole blockchain data before I can start doing anything.

Blockchain Data Download 4 Days

This is unacceptable to me since I am on 100 Mbps internet plan. It should have taken at max 1-1.5 days to download the whole data but it is way too much.Then I wondered whether we can do anything to fasttrack this process.


Why do not I download the whole data from torrent and then keep that data into the correct bitcoin directory to fast track this process?


After reading some reading articles on the same, I came to know that even after we do that, it won't fasten the process.


We cannot do much faster than that because it is not the download that is taking so long, it is the verification/validation of the blocks that is taking a lot of time. Moreover, Bitcoin-core is a P2P software, it already implements the same technology that torrent implements to download the files. So, the time taken will be same in both the cases.